Aarhus University Seal

Re-admission — Applying for the same degree programme

Readmission is for those who were previously enrolled in the programme they are applying for, either at the same or another Danish university, and who have not completed the first year of study.

If admitted to the programme, it will be assessed whether you are eligible for credit for courses you have already passed.

When applying for readmission, the 5-month rule applies. This rule means that you must have been withdrawn for at least five months before the start of the programme you are applying to.
You must also meet all the admission requirements for the programme.

Special rules apply when you are applying for a programme you have previously been enrolled in. The rules that apply to you depend on how you were withdrawn from the programme:

Did you withdraw from the programme yourself?

Did you withdraw from the programme yourself?
If you voluntarily withdrew from the programme, it is important to meet the deadlines for readmission.

If you withdrew at a time when the university could have withdrawn you, be aware that this is treated the same as if the university had withdrawn you. Therefore, you must adhere to the deadlines for readmission – see the specific guidelines for documentation and processing of your application below.

How to apply?
If you are applying for readmission to a Bachelor’s programme, you must apply through www.optagelse.dk.

If you are applying for readmission to a Master’s programe, you must apply through the application system DANS.

Be aware that there are different application deadlines.

You must upload the following documents to your application:

  • A transcript of records with all examination attempts (the transcript must be labeled RA052U or ‘samtlige t’).
  • A withdrawal letter or confirmation, including the reason and date of withdrawal, from your former university (if you are not a former AU student).
  • A consent form (if applying through optagelse.dk and not a former AU student).
  • Curriculum or course descriptions for all courses (if you are not a former AU student).
  • Your high school diploma (if applying for a Bachelor’s programme).
  • Documentation for language requirements, such as a high school diploma (if applying for a Master’s programme).
  • Documentation for a completed Bachelor’s degree (if applying for a Master’s programme and not previously enrolled at AU).
  • Other documentation (if applying for a Master’s programme, there may be specific documentation requirements. See admission requirements on the programme's webpage).

Were you withdrawn by the university?

If you were previously enrolled in the same degree programme you are now applying to but were withdrawn by the university, Aarhus University must assess whether you can document significantly improved possibilities of completing the programme. This applies regardless of which university you previously attended.

Examples of reasons for withdrawal include:

  • Exhaustion of examination attempts
  • Inactivity
  • Exceeding maximum study time

When applying for readmission, you must document that you now have significantly improved possibilities of completing the programme compared to your previous enrolment.

You will only be allowed to be re-admitted onto the degree programme if you can demonstrate that the circumstances preventing you from completing it have changed to such an extent that it is now possible for you to complete the programme. You must also meet all the admission requirements for the programme.

What does significantly improved possibilities mean?
This refers to significant improvements in your ability to complete the programme. These improvements must be documented and show that you are now in a better position to complete the programme than you were at the time of withdrawal. The assessment of significantly improved chances is an overall assessment, including both academic and health-related factors. This means that both the reasons for your withdrawal and the time between your withdrawal and application will be considered. The university only considers documented factors in its assessment.

Aarhus University has previously granted readmission to applicants who have documented the circumstances leading to their withdrawal and shown that these circumstances have been significantly improved or eliminated.

Additionally, it can support your case if, after your withdrawal, you have demonstrated improved chances of completing the programme by, for example, passing academically relevant courses at other institutions, open university courses, or similar. Note that work experience is not considered in the assessment of significantly improved possibilities.

How to Apply
If you are applying for readmission to a Bachelor’s degree programme, you must apply through www.optagelse.dk.

If you are applying for readmission to a Master’s degree programme, you must apply through the application system DANS.

In your application for readmission, you must upload this form, in which you describe how your chances of completing the program have improved. In the form, you can also provide an explanation of the documentation you are submitting.

You should describe the factors that now make it possible for you to complete the program. You can, for example, explain:

  • Why you did not complete the programme.
  • Why you believe you can now complete the programme.
  • What documentation you have to support this.

Aarhus University's assessment of whether you have significantly improved chances may include both academic and health-related factors.

Requirements for documentation of health-related issues
If illness or other health-related factors prevented you from completing the programme, relevant documentation may include a medical certificate, health journal, statement from a psychologist or psychiatrist, or other relevant documentation.

A medical certificate should include:

  • Your name and CPR number or date of birth
  • The doctor's name, CVR number, provider number, and signature/stamp
  • The date of issuance
  • A description of how your condition affected your ability to study
  • Information about your current condition
  • A clear indication of whether the medical assessment is based on the doctor's own examination or information provided by you.

You must also upload the following

  • A transcript of records with all attempts (RA052U transcript) (if you were not previously enrolled at AU).
  • A withdrawal letter or confirmation, including the reason and date of withdrawal, from your former university (if you were not previously enrolled at AU).
  • A consent form (if applying through optagelse.dk and not previously enrolled at AU).
  • Curriculum or course descriptions for all courses (if you were not previously enrolled at AU).
  • Your high school diploma (if applying for a Bachelor’s programme).
  • Documentation for language requirements, such as a high school diploma (if applying for a Master’s degree programme).
  • Documentation for a completed Bachelor’s degree (if applying for a Master’s degree program and not previously enrolled at AU).
  • Other documentation (if applying for a Master’s program, there may be specific documentation requirements. See admission requirements on the programme's webpage).

Application form regarding withdrawal and significantly improved study possibilities

Are you unsure whether you have completed the first year of study?

You may be unsure whether you have completed the equivalent of the first year of study.

If you were previously enrolled at Aarhus University, the programme structure may have changed, so the first year now consists of different courses.
If you previously studied at another university, the first year of the programme at AU may be structured differently, consisting of other courses than those you completed at your former university.

If you are unsure whether you can get credit for the entire first year, we recommend applying for both readmission and re-enrollment. There is no issue with having two applications simultaneously.

Application deadlines

  • The application deadline for readmission to bachelor’s programs is 15 March at 12:00 noon.
  • The application deadline for readmission to master’s programs is 1 March for programmes starting in August/September and 15 October for programmes starting in January/February.

When will you receive a reply?

If you applied for a Bachelor’s programme

If you applied for readmission to a Bachelor’s programme, you will receive a reply no later than 28 July.

Once we have processed your application, you will receive a decision in your e-Boks.

If your application for readmission is approved, it does not guarantee a study place. It means you will be considered on equal terms with other applicants to the programme.

If your application for readmission is rejected, you will not be considered for readmission to the programme.

If you applied for a Master’s programme

If you applied for readmission to a Master’s programme, you will receive a response no later than 10 June for programmes starting in August/September, and no later than 20 December for programmes starting in January/February.

Remember to check your application
It is important to periodically check your application to see if we have requested additional documentation. You should receive an email notification if there is an update regarding your application. However, we occasionally experience that our emails end up in recipients' spam folders and are overlooked.

Questions and contact

If you have questions about readmission to a Bachelor’s degree programne, you are welcome to write to optagelse@au.dk.

If you have questions about readmission to a Master’s degree programne, you are welcome to write to indskriv@au.dk.