After the application deadline you will receive an acknowledgement email. In the e-mail you will find a how-to-guide to create a login for Myapplication. On Myapplication, you will be able to view the application status for the programmes you have applied for at Aarhus University. At midnight on 28 July, you will also be able to see if you have been offered a student place, and to accept or decline the student place.
The acknowledgement email gives you the opportunity to contact the university within a specific deadline, if you disagree or suspect any errors or have any questions regarding the process of your application. It is therefore important that you read the acknowledgement email or that you have authorised someone to look after your interests regarding your application (power of attorney). You as an applicant must inform the Admissions Office of any corrections or concerns regarding the process of your application. This ensures that your application is processed correctly.
On 28 July, if you have a Danish CPR-number, you will receive feedback to your applications in your e-Boks. It is mandatory to receive digital mail from public authorities, including the university, and it is your own responsibility to check your e-Boks.
Please note that e-Boks is only possible if you have a Danish CPR-number and “NemID”. If you do not have a Danish CPR number, you will receive a letter of admission or a letter of rejection by email. However, from 28 July at 00.05 it is also possible to check on whether or not you have been offered a student place - and accept or decline a possible offer.
Regardless of how many programmes you have applied for, you will only receive one answer.
Important: You must accept the student place at Myapplication no later than 1 August.
If you have applied for standby and are offered a standby place you will receive a standby letter in your e-boks on 28 July (provided you have a Danish CPR number). If you have been given a standby place (received a standby letter), you will be on standby for a possible vacant student place for the programme until mid August. You do not need to confirm that you wish to accept the standby place. Confirmation of a student place is only necessary and possible if you receive an admission letter.
If you are not offered a student place in mid-August, you are given an assurance of admission the following year instead. You will receive a letter of assurance from Aarhus University in September. Please note that even though you have a letter of assurance you will still have to fulfil the admission requirements and apply for enrolment.
If you are not offered enrolment to any of the degree programmes you have applied for, you will receive a letter of rejection from the Coordinated Enrolment System (KOT). This means you do not receive a letter of rejection from Aarhus University or from any of the other educational institutions you have applied to. Along with your letter of rejection, you will receive an offer about counselling and a list of vacant places to other programmes that you can apply for immediately after 28 July.
The offer about counselling applies to everyone considering applying to Aarhus University – either for a vacant place or for the following year – and who is interested in finding out more about the admission system and the regulations. You can get more information about counselling for rejected applicants at the Information Centre.
Bachelor's degree programmes commence in late August or primo September.
Medicine and the Bachelor’s programmes of Engineering have study start both August/September and January/February. The admission process and deadlines are however the same regardless of summer or winter start.
In the beginning of August you will be able to see the starting date for first-year degree programmes on our website. There will also be details about AU intro days, the location of your degree programme, how to get in touch with the relevant department as well as practical matters regarding housing, arriving in Aarhus, etc.
The material you need to commence your studies is sent from the department during August (or January if applicable).
In case there are more students admitted to summer start than there are available student places, we will move the youngest to winter start.
Propaedeutic courses for language programmes begin in August/September. This applies both to new students, who must follow the propaedeutic course, and students, who are not obliged to follow the propaedeutic course. The duration of the propaedeutic course is one semester after which the actual degree programme begins the following semester.