Re-enrollment is for those who have completed the first year of study in the programme they are applying for.
Requirements for re-enrollment:
Unsure if you have completed the first year?
If you are uncertain whether you have completed the equivalent of the first year as currently structured at Aarhus University, note that programme structures may have changed. If you previously attended Aarhus University, the first year might now include different courses.
If you are unsure whether you meet the criteria for full credit for the first year, we recommend applying for both re-enrollment and re-admission. It is possible to submit two applications simultaneously. In either case, credit will be granted for completed courses where applicable.
Special rules for re-enrollment in a programme you previously attended. The rules that apply depend on the circumstances under which you left the programme:
If you withdrew from the programme at a time when you could have been unenrolled by the university, you must apply for re-enrollment and document significantly improved possibilities of completing the programme. See the section "Was the university responsible for your withdrawal?"
How to apply
To apply for re-enrollment, select the programme type labeled “Change of Program/Transfer – Bachelor’s programmes/Master’s programmes” in the application system. Then, select the specific programme you wish to re-enroll in.
When applying, you must upload the following documents:
If you previously attended the same programme you are applying for but were withdrawn by the university, Aarhus University must assess whether you can document significantly improved possibilities of completing the programme. This applies regardless of the university you previously attended.
Examples of withdrawal reasons include:
When applying for re-enrollment, you must demonstrate that your prospects of completing the programme have significantly improved since your previous enrollment.
You will only be allowed to re-enroll if:
Definition of significantly improved study possibilities
Significantly improved possibilities of completing the programme mean that you are now in a significantly better position to complete the programme. Improvements must be documented and demonstrate that your situation is better than at the time of withdrawal.
Both academic and health-related factors may be considered in the assessment. Aarhus University will only include documented circumstances in its evaluation.
Examples of accepted documentation include:
How to apply?
When applying, upload the following:
If you are applying for re-enrolment in your previous combination of core subject and supplementary subject, you only need to apply for re-enrolment in the core subject. This applies to both Bachelor's and Master's programmes and supplementary subjects. The university will assess your eligibility for re-enrolment in the supplementary subject as part of the overall assessment of your application for re-enrolment.
If you are applying for re-enrolment but wish to change your previous Bachelor's supplementary subject to a new one, you must – in addition to applying for admission to your previous core subject – also apply for admission to the new Bachelor’s supplementary subject during the official application round, with the application deadline on 15 April. You should also inform us no later than the application deadline 1 March whether you wish to be re-enrolled in your previous Bachelor’s supplementary subject or if you intend to apply for a new Bachelor’s supplementary subject before the application deadline on 15 April.
It is not possible to change your previous Master's supplementary subject to a new one.
1 March: For programmes starting in August/September.
15 October: For programmes starting in January/February.
For questions regarding re-enrollment, please contact