Re-enrolment is for those who have passed the first academic year of the degree programme they are applying for.
When you apply for re-enrolment, the five-month rule applies. This rule means that you must have been withdrawn from the degree programme at least five months before the programme you are applying for starts.
The prerequisites for being re-enrolled are:
Are you unsure whether you have passed the first academic year?
Perhaps you are unsure whether what you have passed corresponds to the first academic year. If you were previously enrolled in the degree programme at AU, the structure of the programme might have changed, and the first academic year might now consist of different courses. If you have been enrolled in the programme at another university in Denmark, the first academic year at AU might be structured differently and consist of different courses than you have passed at your previous university.
If you are unsure whether you can get a credit transfer for the entire first academic year, we recommend that you apply for both re-enrolment and for ordinary admission to the new programme. It is not a problem to apply for both things at the same time.
Special rules apply when you apply for a degree programme on which you have previously been enrolled
The rules that apply to you depend on how you were withdrawn from the degree programme.
If you withdrew from the degree programme yourself, It is important that you apply by the deadlines for re-admission.
If you de-registered from the degree programme yourself but were due to be withdrawn by the university, you must apply in the same way as if the university had withdrawn you – see below.
How to apply
To apply for re-enrolment, please find the type of programme called “Change of programme/transfer – Bachelor’s degree programmes/Master’s degree programmes” in the application system. Then find the programme in which you wish to be re-enrolled.
When you apply, you must upload the following:
Aarhus University must assess whether you have significantly improved possibilities of completing the programme, if you were withdrawn from your programme by the university. This applies regardless of which university you were enrolled at.
Examples of reasons for being withdrawn from a degree programme are:
You will only be able to start the programme if the circumstances that prevented you from completing the programme before have changed to such an extent that it will now be possible to complete the programme.
Aarhus University’s assessment of whether you have significantly improved study possibilities includes both academic and health considerations.
How to apply
To apply for re-enrolment, please find the type of programme called “Change of programme/transfer – Bachelor’s degree programmes/Master’s degree programmes” in the application system. Then find the programme in which you wish to be re-enrolled.
When you apply for re-enrolled you must upload this form, in which you must describe how your possibilities to complete the programme have improved.
You must describe the factors that mean you are now in a position to complete the programme. This description must include:
Application form regarding withdrawal and significantly improved study possibilities
Requirements for documentation of health-related issues
If illness or other health-related issues prevented you from completing your degree programme, relevant documentation can include a doctor’s certificate. The doctor’s certificate must include:
You must also upload the following
No programmes
Economics and Business administration, campus Aarhus
Economics and Business administration, campus Herning
Erhvervsøkonomi (med tilvalg)
Erhvervsøkonomi, HA, campus Aarhus
Erhvervsøkonomi, HA, campus Herning
Forretningsudvikling (diplomingeniør), campus Herning
Global ledelse og design af produktionsnetværk, GMM (diplomingeniør), campus Herning
Politik og økonomi
Statskundskab, dansksproget linje
IT Produktudvikling
Bioteknologi (diplomingeniør)
Byggeri (civilingeniør)
Bygning (diplomingeniør)
Bygningsdesign (diplomingeniør)
Computerteknologi (civilingeniør)
Elektrisk energiteknologi (diplomingeniør), campus Aarhus
Elektrisk energiteknologi (diplomingeniør), campus Herning
Elektronik (diplomingeniør), campus Aarhus
Elektronik (diplomingeniør), campus Herning
Elektroteknologi (civilingeniør)
Kemi (diplomingeniør)
Kemi og fødevareteknologi (diplomingeniør)
Kemiteknologi (civilingeniør)
Maskinteknik (diplomingeniør), campus Aarhus
Maskinteknik (diplomingeniør), campus Herning
Mekanik (civilingeniør)
Softwareteknologi (diplomingeniør) (IKT)
Sundhedsteknologi (diplomingeniør)
No programmes
Economics and Business Administration - Business Intelligence
Economics and Business Administration - Business-to-Business Marketing and Purchasing
Economics and Business Administration - Commercial and Retail Management
Economics and Business Administration – Digital Business Management
Economics and Business Administration - Finance
Economics and Business Administration - Finance and International Business
Economics and Business Administration - Innovation Management
Economics and Business Administration - International Business
Economics and Business Administration - International Business Development (campus Herning)
Economics and Business Administration - International Economic Consulting
Economics and Business Administration - Management Accounting and Control
Economics and Business Administration - Marketing
Economics and Business Administration - Operations and Supply Chain Analytics
Economics and Business Administration - Strategic Communication
Economics and Business Administration - Strategy, Organisation and Leadership
Economics and Management (without specialisation)
Erhvervsøkonomi (med kandidattilvalg)
Informationsteknologi - it, kommunikation og organisation, campus Aarhus
Informationsteknologi - it, kommunikation og organisation, campus Herning
Jura (erhvervskandidat på deltid)
Public Policy
Quantitative Economics
Revision (erhvervskandidat på deltid)
Statskundskab, dansksproget linje
Technology Based Business Development
Technology Based Business Development (part-time for working professionals)
Biologi (med kandidattilvalg)
Computer Science
Datalogi (med kandidattilvalg)
Fysik (med kandidattilvalg)
IT Product Development
Kemi (med kandidattilvalg)
Matematik (med kandidattilvalg)
Mathematics - Economics
Medicinal Chemistry
Molekylær medicin
Molecular Biology
Science studies
Agrobiology (Animal Health and Welfare)
Agrobiology (Plant Nutrition and Health)
Agrobiology (Organic Agriculture - Animal Health and Welfare)
Agrobiology (Organic Agriculture - Plant Nutrition and Health)
Biomedicinsk teknologi (civilingeniør)
Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering (MSc in Engineering)
Civil and Architectural Engineering (MSc in Engineering)
Computer Engineering (MSc in Engineering)
Electrical Engineering (MSc in Engineering)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc in Engineering)
Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology
Applications are assessed on an ongoing basis. It can take a long time to process applications, and some applicants will only receive a response in August (for summer admissions) / January (for winter admissions).
Remember to check your application
It is important that you check your application regularly to see if we have requested further documentation. You should receive an email notification when there is new information in your application. Unfortunately, these notifications sometimes go into the applicant’s spam folder and are overlooked. Furthermore, applicants sometimes provide an email address that they do not check regularly.
If you have any questions about applying for re-enrolment, you are very welcome to write to