Aarhus University Seal

Application for early admission

Early admission if you have a disability

Early admission is an option if you need to apply for SES.
If you can document that you have a disability, you have the opportunity to receive a response to your admission application before July 28. This is relevant for applicants who wish to apply for Special Educational Support (SES) or who need to arrange special access, handicap parking, or other practical matters well in advance of study start.

You can only apply for early admission in quota 1, and you can only be granted early admission for your priority 1 application.

If you apply for early admission, you are not simultaneously applying for a dispensation due to special circumstances. This must be done separately by 12.00 on March 15 at optagelse.dk.

Be aware that early admission to apply for SES is not the same early admission as for paying applicants.
In order to apply as a paying applicant and receive an early answer to your application, you must instead apply via www.optagelse.dk by 15 March and pay the application fee.
Do not fill out the form below in order to apply as a paying applicant.

Important Deadlines

If you want your early admission application to be considered, it is important to meet the following application deadlines:

  • If you want to apply for early admission in quota 1 as an EU/EEA/Swiss applicant, you must apply for admission on 15 March and for early admission no later than May 1.
    Please note that paying applicants cannot be granted early admission to apply for SES.
  • We will send you an offer of early admission no later than June 30, and you must accept the offer by July 5.
  • Like all other applicants, you will receive the final response to your applications on July 28 and must then confirm whether you accept the admission offer or not.

If you are graduating this year or supplementing one or more subjects, we must receive your diploma/supplementary certificate no later than June 30. If we do not receive your certificate by this deadline, you cannot be granted early admission.

How to Apply for Early Admission

  • Along with your application for admission at optagelse.dk, you must attach documentation regarding your disability.
  • Once you have applied for admission, you must send a notification to the university stating that you are applying for early admission – you must apply via the web form at the bottom of the page. Your application for early admission is not considered submitted until you have filled out the web form.

We will offer you early admission if we assess that you meet the programme’s GPA cut-off in quota 1.

If you are granted early admission, you must contact the Special Educational Support Office (SES) at AU, which can help you apply for SES well before the beginning of the first semester. However, the SES itself can only be initiated once you begin your studies. Please note that early admission does not automatically mean you will be granted SES.

You can read more about SES here.


We assess your early admission application based on the documentation you attach.
Relevant documentation for a disability may include:

  • Medical certificate
  • Excerpts from your health record documenting a diagnosis - we must be able to see your full name and the sender of the medical note
  • Recognized tests for dyslexia or dyscalculia
  • Specialist statements, e.g. in connection with tests for dyslexia, dyscalculia, or other disabilities
  • Statements from a specialist doctor such as a psychiatrist, neurologist, ear specialist, or eye specialist.

Submit application for early admission

Submit application for early admission