Aarhus University Seal

Language Requirements

English Language Requirements

Almost all Bachelor’s degree programmes require qualifications comparable to a Danish secondary school English at B-level.

You may fulfil the requirement of English at B-level with your English subject if you hold one of the following qualifying entry examinations:

  • A Danish qualifying entry examination
  • A Nordic qualifying entry examination
  • A qualifying entry examination from the Duborg school/A.P. Møller School
  • A qualifying entry examination from International Baccalaureate (from the IB diploma programme)
  • A qualifying entry examination from European Baccalaureate (from the “ScholaEuropaea”)
  • A non-Danish qualifying entry examination with an English subject level that Aarhus University assesses as fulfilling the requirement of minimum English at B-level*

*Applicants holding a Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abiturzeugnis) from Germany with the subject English Leistungsfach (LF)/erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau (eA)/Kernfach (KF)/Profilfach/Profilgebendes Fach (PgF).

*Applicants holding a Baccalauréat avec Option internationale (OIB) from France with the option Americain or Britannique and a passed English subject.

*A completed high-school diploma/Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Scotland or Ireland with a passed subject in English.

Please note that the following may also fulfil the requirement of English at B-level:

Danish 3-year professional bachelor programme taught in English. The applicant must provide documentation that the programme was taught in English. The degree must also be equivalent to a Danish Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

A completed university Bachelor’s or a Master's degree taught in English from Denmark, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom or Ireland. The applicant must provide documentation that the programme was taught in English.
Please note that applicants with an English language qualifying examination or degree programme from all other countries than the above-mentioned must submit a test.

We only accept the following English language tests:


English B – Test result of at least 83 (internet-based)

English A – Test result of at least 100 (internet-based)

Aarhus University accepts the TOEFL IBT Special Home Edition test.

Aarhus University does not accept:

  • TOEFL Essentials
  • MyBest Scores
  • paper-based tests (including TOEFL ITP Plus for China Solution)


English B – IELTS Academic test result of at least 6.5 points overall

English A – IELTS Academic test result of at least 7.0 points overall

Aarhus University accepts:

  • IELTS Academic
  • IELTS Academic online
  • IELTS Academic for UKVI

Cambridge English tests

English B

  • Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) only grades A, B or C or a minimum of 180 points.
  • First Certificate with grade A or a minimum of 180 points.

English A

  • Certificate of Proficiency (CPE) with a minimum of 190 points.
  • Certificate in Advanced English with grade A or a minimum of 190 points.

If you take a Cambridge test, you must share your results with Aarhus University via the Candidate Results Website (candidates.cambridgeenglish.org).
To access this website, you must register using your ‘Candidate ID’ and ‘Secret Number’ (obtained from your exam centre).

Aarhus University does not accept:

  • Oxford Online Placement Test
  • Duolingo English test
  • Trinity ISE III
  • Pearson PTE
  • Euroexam
  • Michigan Language Assessment

In addition, the following applies:

We do not accept test results that cannot be verified via the test centre’s website.
Therefore, please be aware that IELTS and TOEFL tests can usually not be verified online if they are more than 2 years old. Cambridge tests do not have an expiration date.

You must upload your test result and your receipt for registration to the test to your application on www.optagelse.dk before the documentation deadline. You can find the deadlines here.   

We do not accept any other English language test except the above mentioned.

Danish Language Requirements

The majority of Aarhus University bachelor's programmes are taught in Danish and require a Danish A level.

Please note that if you have a non-Danish qualifying entry examination, then there is a specific admission requirement of Danish at A-level for the Bachelor of Engineering programmes. However, this does not apply if you have a qualifying entry examination from Denmark.

Danish qualifications can be documented as follows:

  • Danish A from a Danish upper secondary school exam ("gymnasium")
    Passed Danish A in a Danish secondary school exam ("gymnasium") or from VUC
  • Nordic entry examination
    The requirement of Danish A is fulfilled by Norwegians, Swedes, Fins, and Icelanders by having passed Danish, Swedish, or Norwegian at the equivalent level. Faroese can fulfil the requirement of Danish A by passing Danish or Faroese at the equivalent level. Greenlanders can fulfil the requirement of Danish A by passing Danish at the equivalent level.
  • The Study-test in Danish as a Foreign Language
    The study-test in Danish in combination with passed mother tongue at the highest level is considered comparable to a Danish A level. The teaching language in the secondary school exam is considered the mother tongue and the grade from the mother tongue is used, provided the grade is convertible.
    The Study-test in Danish must be successfully passed with grade 2 in each discipline.
    Applicants for the Medicine and Odontology programmes must pass the Study-test with a minimum of 7 in each discipline. 
    Applicants for the Spanish and French programmes must pass the Study-test with a minimum grade of 7 in the written discipline (and 2 in the other disciplines).
    Applicants for the International Business Communication programmes must pass the Study-test with a minimum grade of 10 in each discipline.
  • Applicants who have passed the Danish primary school leaving examination
    Applicants with an International qualifying examination (e.g. International Baccalaureate) who have passed the Danish primary and lower secondary school leaving examination ("Folkeskolens Afgangsbevis - FSA" or "Folkeskolens Udvidede Afgangsbevis") can be granted exemption from the Danish A requirement, provided they document a full passed FSA along with passed mother tongue from their qualifying examination. The teaching language in the qualifying examination is considered the mother tongue and the grade from the mother tongue is used, provided the grade is convertible. Please be aware that Aarhus University only grants exemption if you have a full FSA in which reading, spelling, written production and oral must be passed.
    Aarhus University usually does not grant exemption from the Danish A requirement based on a diploma for Danish taken as a single subject at Danes World Wide (“folkeskolens afgangsprøve enkeltfag”) or Danish taken as a single subject comparable to the Danish level in the Danish lower secondary examination. 
  • Applicants who have been issued a certificate with full recognition of Danish at A-level
    Applicants can meet the admission requirement of Danish at A-level, if they on the basis of an individual competence assessment done by VUC in Denmark, have been issued a certificate with full recognition of Danish at level A on the basis of an individual competence assessment done by VUC in Denmark.

For further information and registration for "Studieprøven", please contact:

AOF: https://aof.dk/jobogdansk/danskproever