Aarhus University Seal


Bachelor's Degree Programme

About the programme
Language: English  |  Place of study: Aarhus  |  Commencement: August / September
Admissions area number: 22112 


In today’s digital world, the demand for skilled IT specialists is higher than ever. With a bachelor’s in computer science from Aarhus University in Denmark, you'll be part of shaping the future by developing secure, efficient, and user-friendly apps, cloud services, and IT systems.

Study in Denmark’s student city No. 1 where you will experience a thriving tech scene with plenty of opportunities for international students.

What is Computer Science?

Computer Science centres around the understanding of and working with data and information using computers. It involves everything from writing code to solving problems, analysing data for insights, and developing new technologies. It’s  learning the language  of computers  so that we as computer scientists can collaborate with them to solve problems and create new innovations.

In the Computer Science programme, you'll learn to design, program, and ensure the correctness of software from scratch. You'll be able to program in a variety of programming languages, handle large amounts of data, and process data with artificial intelligence and visual methods. You'll also learn methods to prevent cyberattacks - all for the goal to develop user-friendly, flawless, and secure IT solutions.

A central part of computer science is modelling and effectively solving complex problems. Relevant mathematical methods play a central role in several of the courses, as you'll use these methods to develop and understand algorithms and investigate the security and efficiency of IT systems.

Why study Computer Science?

Studying Computer Science enables you to think creatively, analytically, and critically. You'll learn to break down large problems into smaller, manageable parts, and then use logical and creative thinking to solve them.

Computer Science is the IT education that provides you with the most solid academic foundation, whether you want to work in the IT industry or within research and education. As a computer scientist, you can have a significant impact on digital development both nationally and internationally. You'll gain an understanding of how digital solutions benefit and affect both society and individual users. IT specialists are in high demand in all industries, and you can, for example, work in areas such as app or cloud development, IT security, digital banking systems, health technology, climate and energy technology, public administration, or as a self-employed entrepreneur.

At Aarhus University’s Department of Computer Science, you'll be taught by internationally-leading researchers. The department is ranked as one of the top 100 in the world, and our researchers have invented many of the computer science methods and theories used worldwide.

Programming experience is not a requirement to start. We ensure that you learn this central discipline from scratch regardless of your starting point.

If you find it exciting to help shape the future, then this is where you belong! We'll teach you everything you need to know about algorithms, machine learning, Big Data, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and software development.

Below, you can read more about the structure of the programme, your prospects for the future, and student life at Computer Science.

Internationals at Department of Computer Science In this video Aina (France), Manuel (Romania) and Joao (Portugal) talks about studying Computer Science at Aarhus University.
Study Computer Science in Denmark – like Max from Germany Max graduated in 2020. We have visited him at his full-time job in Aarhus to hear about his highlights of studying here.

Admission requirements

All applicants, both for quota 1 and quota 2, must fulfil the following admission requirements for Computer Science:

Qualifying entry examination
You must have a qualifying entry examination.

Specific admission requirements
You must fulfil the following specific admission requirements:

B-level is the Danish subject level, not the grade. We assess your subject levels when you apply.

Grade point Average (GPA) requirement of 6.0 in quota 1
You must have a minimum GPA of 6.0 and a minimum GPA of 6.0 in Mathematics A on the Danish 7-point grading scale in your qualifying examination to be assessed in quota 1.

If you do not have a GPA of 6.0 on the Danish 7-point grading scale, then your application can only be assessed in quota 2.

Quota 1

In quota 1, you must fulfil the above-mentioned admission requirements.

You can read more about quota 1 here.

Quota 2

In quota 2, you must fulfil the above-mentioned admission requirements except the GPA requirements of 6.0. In quota 2 we assess your application by 2 criteria:

1. Your grade point average of the following particularly relevant quota 2 subjects:

2. Your relevant qualifications

Relevant qualifications

If you can document that you have particularly relevant qualifications, then these can be a part of your overall quota 2 assessment.

Examples: education or work experience in programming, data and software development, IT security, IT support, web development, artificial intelligence.

You can find more information about quota 2 and how to document your relevant qualifications here

Programme structure

Below, you'll find the academic regulations for the bachelor’s programme in Computer Science. In the academic regulations, you can read more about the requirements you must meet as a student and about the programme structure. You can also read about the types of examinations and the exam requirements.

The language of instruction for the programme is English.

The diagram below shows how the programme is structured. In the diagram, you can click on the various subjects to read the individual course descriptions. You can also learn more about our 1st year courses at cs.au.dk/education/bachelor.

Everyday life at Computer Science

When studying Computer Science, you will attend a combination of lectures, exercises, and group work. Lectures are held for large groups of students in auditoriums, while exercises take place in groups of about 25 students under the guidance of a teaching assistant (older student). During lectures, a lecturer covers the theory, while exercise sessions help delve into the theory and solve tasks. Homework and projects are typically done in study groups.

The compulsory courses provide you with an introduction to the fundamental disciplines of Computer Science. Through your bachelor project, you can specialize in a topic that interests you.

At the beginning, there are approximately 20 scheduled teaching hours per week, and you should expect to spend a similar amount of time on independent preparation and in study groups - including reading and project work. Preparation can take place, for example, in the department’s study café, where a teaching assistant is available to assist if needed.

During the first year of the programme, you will be supported by a group of older students who will help you get started with both the academic and social aspects of student life.

Weekly schedule

A weekly schedule for the 1st semester could look like this:


8-10: Introduction to Mathematics and Optimisation (theoretical exercises)
12-14: Study Café
14-16: Algorithms and Data Structures (lecture)


8-10: Introduction to Programming (theoretical exercises)
10-12: Study Café
14-16: Introduction to Programming (lecture)


9-12: Algorithms and Data Structures (theoretical exercises)
12-14: Introduction to Mathematics and Optimisation (lecture)
14-16: Study Café


8-10: Introduction to Programming (theoretical exercises)
10-12: Study Café
12-14: Algorithms and Data Structures (lecture)
14-17: Introduction to Mathematics and Optimisation (laboratory exercises)


8-10: Introduction to Programming (lecture)
10-12: Study Café
12-14: Introduction to Mathematics and Optimisation (lecture)

Would you like to know more about the courses you'll be taking in your first year? Visit cs.au.dk/education/bachelor where the instructors have written a brief explanation of each subject.

Student life

Even though your education will take up a lot of your time, there's still room to meet new people and take part in a variety of academic and social events. Aarhus University has gathered most of the IT educations in the IT city of Katrinebjerg, which is located close to the University Park. Here, more than 3,000 students are gathered, and with many active student associations, there are plenty of opportunities to engage in both social and academic activities during your studies.

At the Department of Computer Science, you can meet up with your fellow students and instructors in the Friday bar. The student association DSAU also hosts a lot of events throughout the year, which help create a strong sense of community across classes and years.

Our students are very active and organize events like the AUHack hackathon, K-lan, and IT Camp for Girls every year. They do it voluntarily, and there's always room for more hands and good ideas. Additionally, the department continuously hosts academic and career-oriented events together with companies from our Business Club, who are very interested in getting in touch with all the sought-after IT students.

Aarhus – a city of students

In Aarhus, nearly every 5th resident is a student - making it a city with many young people and offerings tailored to students. When you start your studies in Aarhus, you don't need to worry about being without a roof over your head. There's a housing guarantee for new students moving to the city. The guarantee applies to all newly admitted students to an education in Aarhus starting in the autumn semester. Simply meaning that once you enter the queue, you move up over a few months and are offered a dormitory or youth housing before or shortly after the start of your studies.

Read more about housing for internationals.

Follow the student life at Aarhus University

- experienced, photographed and filmed by the students themselves.

With thousands of pictures #yourniversity gives insight into the everyday life as a student at AU; the parties, procrastination, exams and all the other ways you’ll spend your time at university.

The photos belong to the users, shared with #Yourniversity, #AarhusUni and course-specific AU-hashtags.

Or follow the everyday life at the Department of Computer Science:


With a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, you can pursue further studies in a variety of master's programmes. Most students choose to continue their studies with our master's programme in Computer Science.

Computer scientists continue to be in great demand all over the world, and this is also the case in Denmark. Computer Science graduates from Aarhus University have an excellent reputation and are in very high demand for exciting and well-paid jobs in and around Aarhus or abroad.

Our graduates get opportunities across all industries, and often work on designing and developing new systems. You can also work as a consultant, project manager, teacher at a high school, or as a researcher after completing a Ph.D. programme.

Student Positions to Kickstart Your Career

At Computer Science, the transition from theory to practice is short. What you learn can immediately be applied, and there are many opportunities to become a student programmer, student instructor, or get other relevant student positions. Many research projects utilize student programmers, giving you the opportunity to delve into the latest research. As the Department of Computer Science is centrally located in the IT city of Katrinebjerg, there is easy access to many study-relevant jobs at companies close to the university. You can find open positions, project collaborations, and full-time positions on our Job Wall - www.facebook.com/CSjobwall.

Computer Scientists are in High Demand at Private Companies

There is a high demand for computer scientists, and most of our students get jobs immediately after completing their studies. Many end up in private companies such as software houses or firms specializing in cybersecurity, medical technology, public administration, banking/fintech, graphics, bioinformatics, and much more. Additionally, many computer scientists have successfully started their own ventures.

Every year, 50+ IT companies gather to meet students in the IT city of Katrinebjerg when the Department of Computer Science hosts the major IT career fair - Katrinebjerg Career Day (also known as Kdag).

Start Your Own Business

During or after your studies you may want to start your own business. At the Department of Computer Science, we support students with entrepreneurial dreams. In the HatchIT Lab, you can develop your business idea in an inspiring and creative environment, while still being close to the department's researchers. Learn more about HatchIT Lab. It is also possible to become part of AU's entrepreneurial hub The Kitchen.

Dive Deeper into Your Field with a Ph.D.

A Ph.D. is a research education where you complete an independent scientific project, culminated in a Ph.D. thesis. You can apply for the Ph.D. program within your field based on your bachelor's or master's degree. You will be assigned one or more supervisors to help and guide you.

In addition to the Ph.D. project, you will also enhance your skills through national and international Ph.D. courses, and by visiting other research environments. You will also gain experience in teaching and communicating your research. As a Ph.D. you will have many career opportunities both in Denmark and internationally in both research and the private sector. You can learn more about terms and salary on the Ph.D. school's website.

Teach the Digital Skills of the Future

If you combine your bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science with a minor/supplementary subject, you can qualify for a job as a high school teacher in informatics, programming, and the chosen minor. Further information can be found in the curriculum or at https://bachelor.au.dk/tilvalg/gymnasielaerer (information only available in Danish), where you can read general information about 2-subject master's programs and high school teaching opportunities.

Salary Statistics for Computer Scientists

Computer scientists are highly sought after and therefore have one of the highest Danish starting salaries. The list below (Source: Prosa) shows what the salary was in January 2023 for privately employed individuals in Denmark with up to 2 years of work experience nationwide (37 hours/week).

Bachelor in Computer Science
Lower quartile: 44,100 DKK
Median: 48,222 DKK
Upper quartile: 49,607 DKK
Average: 49,082 DKK

Meet Our Graduates

There is a high demand for computer scientists, and graduates from Aarhus University are highly sought after. Read about Max and Harshit, who share their experience studying and living in Aarhus. You can find more alumni profiles at cs.au.dk/career.

Yijing from China studied Computer Science in Aarhus Yijing moved to Aarhus to study the master’s programme in Computer Science. In this video, Yijing shares how she found a sustainable work-life balance in Aarhus while getting top-notch education – and why she chose to stay after her graduation.
Study, live and work in Denmark - like Max from Germany Max came to Aarhus to study Computer Science. After graduation he decided to stay and now works as an IoS developer at Lunar. Why did he stay? Max thinks that the marked for computer scientists in Denmark is way more favourable than in other countries.