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Bachelor's Degree Programme

About the programme
Quota 1 2024: 8,2 (Standby: 7,4)
Language: English  | Place of study: Aarhus  |  Commencement: August / September
Admission area number: 22615

The degree programme Economics and Business Administration is a business administration programme with an international focus. The programme prepares you to deal with a wide range of business administration issues, especially in private companies, and to develop business strategies that will create opportunities for growth.


Business administration is about how to analyse and manage a company's various activities so that they contribute to creating value for the company's customers, employees and owners – and society as a whole. You will learn how to identify, formulate and solve issues and challenges related to business administration, and thus how to best manage and optimise the operation of a company. Due to the programme's international focus, the language of instruction is English and all literature is in English.

Subjects at Economics and Business Administration

At Economics and Business Administration, you will learn about subjects such as organisational behaviour, strategy, financial management, external financial statements, logistics, marketing, finance, micro- and macroeconomics and business law, and take methodological courses in business administration. You will analyse issues relating to business administration such as financing decisions, optimisation of production planning or improvement of customer satisfaction. You will also learn about how companies and institutions are affected by society, technology, general economic conditions and legislation.

Choose your area of specialisation

The Economics and Business Administration programme allows you to customise your own programme as you go along. In your fifth semester, you have the opportunity to put together your own study programme based on a wide range of elective subjects offered on the programme, or you can take a semester as an exchange student at one of our many partner universities. In the sixth semester, you will write a Bachelor's project within a business administration subject of your choice. When you've completed your Bachelor's degree, you can choose between a wide range of Master's degree programmes in Economics and Business Administration, where you can specialise in a particular business administration field. 

Student life at Economics and Business Administration

You will be based at Aarhus BSS - Department  of Management and the Department of Economics and Business Economics. Courses on the Economics and Business Administration programme primarily consist of lectures, classroom instruction and study group activities. There are approximately 20 hours of teaching per week, and you are expected to spend about the same number of hours preparing. 

Career opportunities

The Economics and Business Administration programme provides you with a broad insight into business administration and competencies in areas such as marketing, financial management, organisational development, management strategy, share trading and development projects, and many of our graduates go on to pursue careers in management or other specialist areas. 

Admission requirements

All applicants, both for quota 1 and quota 2, must fulfil the following admission requirements for Economics and Business Administration:

Qualifying entry examination
You must have a qualifying entry examination.

Specific admission requirements
You must fulfil the following specific admission requirements:

  • English B
  • Mathematics B
  • History B or History of Ideas B or Social Studies B or Contemporary History B or International Economics B

B-level is the Danish subject level, not the grade. We assess your subject levels when you apply.

Grade point Average (GPA) requirement of 6.0 in quota 1
You must have a minimum GPA of 6.0 on the Danish 7-point grading scale in your qualifying examination to be assessed in quota 1.

If you do not have a GPA of 6.0 on the Danish 7-point grading scale, then your application can only be assessed in quota 2.

Quota 1

In quota 1, you must fulfil the above-mentioned admission requirements.

You can read more about quota 1 here.

Quota 2

In quota 2, you must fulfil the above-mentioned admission requirements except the GPA requirement of 6.0. In quota 2 we assess your application by 2 criteria:

1. Your grade point average of the following particularly relevant quota 2 subjects:

  • English B
  • Mathematics B
  • History B or History of Ideas B or Social Studies B or Contemporary History B or International Economics B

​​​​​​​2. Your relevant qualifications

Relevant qualifications

If you can document that you have particularly relevant qualifications, then these can be a part of your overall quota 2 assessment.

You can find more information about quota 2 and how to document your relevant qualifications here.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure

Academic Regulations

In the academic regulations, you can read more about the requirements you must meet as a student and about the programme structure. You can also read about the types of examinations and the exam requirements.

The diagram below shows how the programme is structured. In the diagram, you can click on the various subjects to read the individual course descriptions. The course descriptions for some new courses are not available yet, so you can find a description of them below the diagram.


Description of courses - BSc in Aarhus

Mathematics and Statistics (10)

The course is a merger of the current courses Matematics (5) and Business Statistics (5)

Economics 1 (10)

This is an introductory economics course that concerns microeconomics as well as macroeconomics. The course studies microeconomic theory about demand and supply, companies' cost structures and market equilibrium. The course considers macroeconomic analysis of the economy in its entirety on the basis of theory, models and empirical problems.

Economics 2 (10)

The course deals with market conditions, companies' (strategic) conduct, competition rules and the interaction between these. The course is thus based on topics within micro and industrial economics. The course provides students with basic knowledge of and insight into central issues within these areas and develops students' skills and competences in applying the models and analytical frameworks associated with the course to conduct business administration analyses and decisions.

Strategy (10)

The purpose of the course is to provide the students with knowledge, skills and competences within the subject area of strategy with a particular focus on macro analyses, industry analyses, resource and capability analyses, choice of company and group strategy, as well as strategic change management.

Operations Management (10)

This course is equivalent to the current course Operations Management (10).

Data Science (5)

In the age of big data, the ability to transform data into actionable insights is essential across all areas of the business world. This course is tailored to provide Business Administration students with a deep dive into the data science process, covering everything from defining goals to effectively communicating results. Emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach, the curriculum is designed to arm students with the knowledge to apply data science within various business settings, enabling the deployment of effective decision-making strategies.

Business Law (5)

This course is equivalent to the current course International Business Law (5).

Scientific methods (10)

The purpose of the course is to provide the student with knowledge, skills and competencies within the philosophy of science of economics and business economics as well as scientific methods, including the preparation of a research proposal (synopsis), the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, and insight into how to critically evaluate the quality of business economics research. The course is coordinated with the issues and challenges that the students may encounter in connection with their bachelor's project, which is completed in the same semester.

Description of courses - BSc in Herning

Economics 1 (10):

This is an introductory economics course that concerns microeconomics as well as macroeconomics. The course studies microeconomic theory about demand and supply, companies' cost structures and market equilibrium. The course considers macroeconomic analysis of the economy in its entirety on the basis of theory, models and empirical problems.

Economics 2 (10):

The course deals with market conditions, companies' (strategic) conduct, competition rules and the interaction between these. The course is thus based on topics within micro and industrial economics. The course provides students with basic knowledge of and insight into central issues within these areas and develops students' skills and competences in applying the models and analytical frameworks associated with the course to conduct business administration analyses and decisions.

Strategy (10):

The purpose of the course is to provide the students with knowledge, skills and competences within the subject area of strategy with a particular focus on macro analyses, industry analyses, resource and capability analyses, choice of company and group strategy, as well as strategic change management.

Operations Management (10)

This course is equivalent to the current course Operations Management (10).

Business Law (5):

This course is equivalent to the current course International Business Law (5).

Student Life

As a student of Economics and Business Administration, you will attend lectures, where lecturers present the topics of the week to the whole year group. In connection with the classroom instruction, you are expected to play a more active role yourself and contribute to discussions, presentations and exercises. You will also be part of a study group. In your study group, you will prepare presentations together and discuss theories. You may also decide to do some of your revision for your exams together. 

The bachelor’s degree programme in Economics and Business Administration is a full-time degree programme, even though you may not have scheduled lectures or classes every day. Below is an example of a typical week on the first semester of the programme. As you can see, you will be spending much of your time preparing for classes and lectures, and meeting with your study group.



8:00-12:00:              Lecture: Economics 1

12:00-14:00:            Classroom instruction: Organisational Behaviour

14:00-16:00:            Lecture: Mathematics and Business Statistics


8:00-10:00:              Lecture: Mathematics and Business Statistics

10:00-12:00:            Classroom instruction: Economics 1

14:00-16:00:            Classroom instruction: Mathematics and Statistics


8:00-10:00:              Lecture: Organisational Behaviour

10:00-12:00:            Work in study group

12:00-17:00:            Preparation for lectures (reading) 


08:00-17:00:            Preparation for lectures (reading) 


09:00-12:00:            Preparation for practical exercises (calculations) 

12:00-15:00:            Preparation for lectures (reading) 

Social Life

The bachelor’s degree programme in Economics and Business Administration is characterised by an active study environment, and you have ample opportunities to join various academic and social clubs and societies.

BSS Sport

The sports association at Aarhus BSS has women and men’s football and handball teams at various levels. Other events organised by the sports association include a sports day and a Christmas party. 


StudenterLauget is a student association at Aarhus BSS, which organises social and academic events for students. The association is responsible for the Friday bars, the annual skiing trip, the Freshers’ Week for new students and a wealth of other events. 


‘Klubben,’ the student bar at the Fuglesangs Allé campus, is open to all BSS students. On weekdays, the atmosphere is intimate with students dropping by the student bar to read or meet for coffee and debates, while Friday is party time. 


Two years into your degree programme, you can join FACCA. FACCA – short for Finance and Consulting Club Aarhus – is a student association, which works to establish contact between students and business and industry.

Studying Abroad

Economics and Business Administration is a very international programme, and it therefore makes perfect sense to spend a semester abroad as an exchange student. Studying in a foreign country is a perfect chance to improve your language skills, find out what it is like running a business in a foreign country and improve your cross-cultural cooperation skills.

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In the course of your studies, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the many different factors, which have an impact on the running of an international company. You learn to analyse the company’s situation and make informed decisions based on the problems you identify. 

Many graduates go on to work as consultants, project managers or analysts, for example in industrial companies or the service sector. You can also work in accounting, sales or in advertising. 

Master’s Degree Programmes

Once you have completed your bachelor’s degree programme in Economics and Business Administration, you can go on to do any number of master’s degree programmes, for example: 

  • The master's degree programme in Economics and Business Administration, where you gain insight into the financial and psychological aspects of company management.
  • The master’s degree programme in Business Economics and Auditing, which provides you with the theoretical foundation for working as an accountant and auditor. Having completed the programme and once you have been employed with a state-authorised public accountant for at least three years, you can take the practical exam to become a state-authorised public accountant yourself.

We want to help our students find successful careers. Students can always contact our Career Services for advice and assistance with getting onto the Danish labour market. Check out our careers page to see the range of services we offer.